Tailored for Our Pups and Our Planet


Use our premade designs and donated clothes to create upcycled dog toys. Participate in our volunteer events to create toys with us and support our cause!


Send the toys to shelters and rescue groups in need.


Smile as you create a healthier environment and happier dogs! All our toys are donated to no-kill shelters or rescues in Northern California.

Find Your Local Chapter!

Don’t see one near you? Contact pupcycledtoys@gmail.com to open a chapter today!

Nurture Happier Dogs

Making toys for dogs enhances their overall well-being and happiness. They engage their senses, provide mental stimulation, and nurture happier dogs!

A Better Environment. Together.

Our toys are created with 100% recycled clothing sourced through donation drives run by volunteers like you! Each year, approximately 92 million tonnes of clothes go to landfills. Our nonprofit aims to minimize textile waste through our eco-friendly dog toys.

Join Our Team Today!