Colorado Event Recap!
The 114 toys made at the Colorado chapter kick-off event!
Monday, September 16th resulted in yet another successful Pupcycled event for the Colorado chapter. The volunteer event had a goal of making 100 toys, but with the help of more than 20 volunteers working hard, they were able to easily surpass that goal and even make 14 toys extra!
However, the sheer number of toys was not the only factor at play, according to event lead Megan Yee. “ We saw a lot of volunteers from Grandview High School in Aurora and the surrounding community. Everyone was hard at work, and some people got creative and made really cool braided toys!” She said when asked about the event. While we of course appreciate consistency among our toys, it’s also beautiful to see the individualities too. We can tell what toys were given a bit of extra heart and soul, and we think the dogs can too! This is why we’re not opposed to things like fun color combinations. They show the care and creative thinking that go into each toy we make, which is one of the beauties of getting a donation from Pupcycled rather than buying in bulk from an industrialized factory.
Overall, the event can be considered a success. “I’m really glad we can not only help shelter dogs but also cut down on waste by using clothes that would’ve otherwise been thrown away!” Said Megan Yee. Pupcycled’s mission certainly had a win in Aurora last week.
Written by Alayna Atkinson
Edited by Anusha Shringi