Pupcycled…From the Beginning
One day while friends Sophia and Olivia Liu were out shopping with Sophia’s corgi Prince, a conversation came up about how expensive dog toys are in general and how these average-priced toys don’t last long because Prince destroys them quite often. Olivia, who volunteers at a local shelter for dogs, thought about how there is a prevalent issue revolving around the lack of funding at the shelters--never enough to buy new toys for the dogs. Keeping Sophia’s issue in consideration of her dog toy shopping trips, Prince is how repurposing old clothes into dog toys originated, so in December 2023 “Pupcycled” was born. Pupcycled is a non-profit that crafts dog toys from recycled clothing material. Both Olivia and Sophia share a goal of reducing the 92 million tons--despite a big feat, but none they shy away from--of global textile waste to make shelter dogs around the Bay Area happier.
Written by Christine Josey
Edited by Anusha Shringi